Logo Enrico Bruno srl


ENRICO BRUNO srl produces, distributes and offers technical assistance by more than 50 years on a wide range of scientific laboratory instruments.

If your job is in a biological, chemical, clinical chemistry or a quality control lab and you have to buy an electronic balance, a microscope, a chemical hood or a thermostatic incubator, a shaker or a water bath, please call us or write to us.

In a similar way, if your Company deals with scientific instruments and our products portfolio is relevant for you, please don’t hesitate and contact us, we shall be pleased to inform you about any commercial detail you can expect from us.

Our production program, focused on the thermal control sector, is comprehensive of thermostatic ovens, incubators, refrigerated incubators, water baths, water distillers.

Only the best raw materials are employed for our products, since we exclusively adopt stainless steel both for the internal than in the external parts of the constructions.

Within this range of products we are in condition to supply productions on Customer’s demand, according to specific technical requirement or dimensions.

The quality of the raw materials and the reliability of the construction allow to grant, for our productions, a long lifetime and a high countervalue for purchase.



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We offer a wide range of products (Instruments, Consumables, Reagents) which are in most part managed at our warehouse with adequate stocks for a ready delivery service, mainly in the sector of plastic disposable labware, of glassware, of general consumables and of chemical reagents and microbiological diagnostics.

Within the Brands are the most important Italian Companies of the sector and many Suppliers of the E.U. and of the global market, among the most qualified in respective fields.

The geographic area of the Companies we deal with starts from our Country (Italy), is enlarged to many other players of European area and is also completed by some Suppliers of extra-european area.  This distribution has natural consequences on the geographic proveniences of the products, where such ordering is reflected both for the instrumentation sector than for the consumables, the plastic disposable rather than the glassware products or reagents, while our attention remains always in choosing high standard products at advantageous prices.

In the present time of globalisation, we believe remaining an important factor the evaluation of the geographic proveniences of the products, both with concern for the aspects of availability of the spare parts for instrumentation, than referring the logistic and environmental costs unavoidable consequence of the shipments of the products, than, finally, for macro-economic reasons.

The codified and stock managed references at our warehouse are some thousands: addressing to us your requests you will be able to reduce significantly the number of your Suppliers with quite clear managerial advantages.


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We are convinced that the purchase cost for any instrumental good has to be considered introducing in calculation also the costs for maintaining the same in efficiency during its life and the performances obtained.  Very often these costs – opportunities result less visible and erroneously neglected, with the result to face unforeseen stops during working cycle-of-life, extra costs for the necessary repair operations and even impossibility or unconvenience for such operations.

The technical service ENRICO Bruno srl can grant to its Customers, both during the warranty period than after, is the one of a producer, with the experience, the availability of spare parts and the effectiveness of a Company with its producing plant corresponding to the service site.

The same experience and skill of technical staff is available both for our own production instruments than for the distributed ones.

Moreover, our Company offers service, calibrations and certifications (ISO – Accredia) for a wide range of instruments and units of measure, with certifications on temperature, humidity, volume on micropipets

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Our warehouse logistic premises allows us to move professionally, with safety and great care, a wide volume of products.

We manage all disposable materials, lab instruments and all bigger volume products fully stocked on pallet racks (we have available more than 300 europallet / places).  We are also equipped with over 300 mq. metal shelves for glassware products rather than small consumables.     

We take great care about your most delicate products, mainly sterile or mostly brittle ones, and we adopt all measures to deliver them in the best integrity conditions for your research and diagnostic applications.

In particular for all disposable products we know as a key factor the availability of wide stocks inventory, in absence of which it would be usual to meet critical situations.        

It is part of our daily policy to manage at warehouse all the products currently requested by our customers, with related stocks based on periodic consumption levels.


Via Duino 140
10127 Torino Italy
Tel. +39 011 3160808
Fax +39 011 3160753
PEC pec@pec.enrico-bruno.it
CF/P.IVA: 04891320014


For orders, prices requests and offers, technical service commerciale@enrico-bruno.it
For administration service amministrazione@enrico-bruno.it
For Direction – Purchase Department acquisti@enrico-bruno.it


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